What are the attributes of the Creator and why is He referred to as Allah?

What are the attributes of the Creator and why is He referred to as Allah?

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In the Middle East, the Christians, Jews, and Muslims use the word "Allah" to refer to God. It means the only true God, the God of Moses and Jesus. The Creator has introduced Himself in the Noble Qur’an by the name "Allah" and by other names and attributes. Moreover, the word "Allah" was mentioned 89 times in the early edition of the Old Testament.



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As an example to make things clear only, bearing in mind that Allah has the most highest of attributes, when man uses an electronic device and controls it from outside, he by no means is within the device.

It is possible to distinguish the right religion from others through three main points, which are: [44] Quoted from "Khurāfat al-Ilhād" by Dr. ‘Amr Sharīf, the edition of 2014.

The Muslim follows in the footsteps of the righteous and the Prophet's Companions. He loves them and tries to be as righteous as they were, and he worships Allah alone just as they did. However, he does not sanctify them or take them as mediators between himself and Allah.

{Indeed, Allah commands you to return trusts to their owners, and when you judge between people, judge with justice. What an excellent exhortation from Allah to you! Indeed, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.} [234] Surat an-Nisā’: 58.

The Noble Qur’an has rectified the concept of evolution through narrating the story of Adam's creation.
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