Jesus did not fight against his enemies, so why was Prophet Muhammad a fighter?

Jesus did not fight against his enemies, so why was Prophet Muhammad a fighter?

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Prophet Moses was a fighter, and so was Prophet David. Both Prophets, Moses and Muhammad (peace be upon them all), were in charge of the political and worldly affairs, and both of them emigrated from the pagan community. Moses took his people out of Egypt, while Muhammad's emigration was to Yathrib, and before that his followers had emigrated to Abyssinia escaping from the political and military authorities in the countries from where they fled for the sake of their religion. The call of Jesus (peace be upon him) was different as it was addressed to the Jews, who were not pagans, unlike Moses and Muhammad who lived in two pagan environments: Egypt and the Arab Peninsula, which made things harder and more challenging. The change that was contingent on the call of Moses and Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon them) was fundamental and comprehensive, as it was a big leap from idolatry to monotheism.



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