What is the Creator's wisdom behind natural catastrophes?

What is the Creator's wisdom behind natural catastrophes?

العربية español Русский ગુજરાતી 中文

The Creator has laid down nature's laws and rules that regulate it. On the outbreak of any corruption or ecological disorder, it protects itself by itself and maintains this balance with the aim of achieving reformation on earth and ensuring that life will proceed in a better way, and only what is beneficial to people and life will stay and survive. When catastrophes occur on earth and cause damages to mankind, like diseases, volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods, these are the times when the names and attributes of Allah become evident, for instance, the All-Powerful, the Healer, and the All-Preserver which are manifest in His healing the sick and preserving the survivors. Other names also become evident during such catastrophes like His name the Just, which is manifest in His punishing the oppressor and the sinner, the All-Wise, which is manifest in afflicting and testing the non-sinner to recompense him with goodness for his patience and with torment for his impatience. This way man gets to know the greatness of his Lord through such afflictions exactly as he gets to know His beauty through His favors. If man only recognizes the attributes of the divine beauty, then he does not truly know Allah Almighty.



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This question is the result of a misconception about the Creator and comparing Him to the creation. Such misconception is refuted by mind and logic, for instance:

Allah Almighty said:
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