Does Islam permit suicide operations and promise to reward this with the Hūr ‘Īn (maidens with wide gorgeous eyes) in Paradise?

Does Islam permit suicide operations and promise to reward this with the Hūr ‘Īn (maidens with wide gorgeous eyes) in Paradise?

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It is not logical to say that the Giver of Life commands the one to whom He has given life to kill himself and kill innocent without having committed sin, as He Almighty says: {And do not kill yourselves [or one another].} [166] There are other verses that forbid killing except with a cause, like legal retribution or repelling an attack, and without violating sanctities or proceeding towards death and subjecting oneself to destruction for the sake of serving the benefits of certain sects that have nothing to do with religion or with its objectives, and that are far from the tolerance and morals of such a great religion. The bliss of Paradise must be regarded from a broader sense, as it is not only restricted to the attainment of the Hūr ‘Īn; rather, there are what no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no human heart has ever conceived. Surat an-Nisā’: 29.



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