Category: Non muslim

Questions List

Man must believe, whether in the true God or in any false deity, which he might call god or something else. This deity could be a tree, a star in the sky, a woman, one's boss at work, a scientific theory, or it could even be some personal whim. However, ...

The true God is the Creator and worshiping other than the true God implies the claim that they are deities. The God must be a creator and the proof of his being a creator must be either by witnessing what he has created in the universe or by revelation from ...

In the Middle East, the Christians, Jews, and Muslims use the word "Allah" to refer to God. It means the only true God, the God of Moses and Jesus. The Creator has introduced Himself in the Noble Qur’an by the name "Allah" and by other names and attributes. Moreover, the ...

This question is the result of a misconception about the Creator and comparing Him to the creation. Such misconception is refuted by mind and logic, for instance:

Belief in the Creator is built upon the fact that things do not appear without a cause, not to mention the fact that the huge material populated universe and the creatures in it possess an intangible awareness and comply with the immaterial mathematical rules, and to explain the existence of ...

Although we could see the rainbow and the mirage, yet they do not actually exist. Moreover, we believe in the existence of gravity without seeing it just because its existence was proven by the material science.

As an example to make things clear only, bearing in mind that Allah has the most highest of attributes, when man uses an electronic device and controls it from outside, he by no means is within the device.

It is known, according to the human laws, that violating the rights of the king or the one in charge does not stand on an equal footing with other crimes. So, what about the King of all kings?! The right of Allah Almighty upon His servants is to be worshiped ...

When the Lord of the worlds uses the word "We" to refer to Himself in many of the Qur’anic verses, this indicates that He alone combines all the attributes of beauty and majesty. In the Arabic language, this also indicates power and greatness. Moreover, in the English language it is ...

Allah Almighty said:

Despite all this, it should be known that man's actual choices in this life are limited and Allah Almighty will hold us accountable only for what we have chosen freely. We have not chosen, for example, the circumstances and the environment we grew in, nor did we choose our parents, ...

When one finds himself very rich and extremely generous, he invites his friends and loved ones for food and drink.

If Allah wanted to give His creation the chance to choose whether to exist in life or not, then, they had to exist in the first place. How could mankind have a say while being non-existent? It is a matter of existence and non-existence. Actually, man's attachment to life and ...

Religion is a way of life that regulates man's relation with his Creator and with those around him, and it is the path that leads to the Hereafter.

The need for religion is more essential than the need for food and drink. Man is religious by nature, so if he is not guided to the true religion, he will invent a religion for himself as what happened in the pagan religions that were invented by people. Man needs ...

First of all, the true religion must be compatible with man's initial natural disposition that needs a direct relationship with its Creator without the interference of mediators, which represents man's virtues and good qualities.

When humanity perishes, none will remain except the Ever-Living Who never dies. Whoever says that the commitment to morals under the umbrella of religion is unimportant is like one who studies for twelve years and at the end says that he does not want the certificate.

The mind's role is to judge things and approve them; however, the mind's inability to reach the purpose behind man's existence, for instance, does not cancel its role; rather, it gives religion the chance to inform it of what it has failed to realize. The religion informs the mind of ...

Many people, in our present time, believe that light exists outside the boundaries of time, yet they cannot accept the fact that the Creator does not submit to the rules of time and place, i.e., Allah Almighty is before everything and after everything and none of His creatures can encompass ...

As a matter of fact, religion is commitment and responsibility. It makes the conscience alert and urges the believer to hold himself accountable for all his deeds, the big and small. The believer is responsible for himself, his family, his neighbor, and even for the passerby. He utilizes the available ...
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